About Us


SUSHAYA A TO Z PROFESSIONALS LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership firm having professional who have more than 20 years of experience in corporate sector.

Our LLP Firm is providing all sort of high quality services in the area of Corporate Sector, Secretarial Auditing, Goods and Services Tax (GST), Company law Matters, Includes new Company formation & Annual statutory Compliances, Business Process Outsourcing, Management Consultancy, Management Assurance, Central Excise, Customs, DGFT Matters

Compnay Registration

Register A One Person Company

“Private company” refers to a business that has a minimum amount of paid-up share capital as specified by its articles of incorporation.

Register A Private Company

Private company” refers to a business that has a minimum amount of paid-up share capital as specified by its articles of incorporation

Register A Public Company

According to the Company Act of 2013, a public limited company is one that sells shares to the general public and has limited responsibility for its members.

LLP Restructuring

LLP Conversion

A firm established under the Indian Partnership Act of 1932, a private company, or an unlisted public company constituted under the Companies Act may convert to an LLP through the enabling provisions of the LLP Act.

LLP Formation

LLP is an alternative corporate business form that gives the benefits of limited liability of a company and the flexibility of a partnership.

Corprate Restructuring

Merger And Amalgamation

A merger is a corporate strategy to combine with another company and operate as a single legal entity. The companies agreeing to merger are typically equal in terms of size and scale of operations.


A conglomerate merger is the union of two or more businesses engaged in unrelated operations. Such a merger will only occur if it increasesA de-merger is a corporate reorganization where a company is divided into separate parts that can either function independently or be sold or liquidated as a divestiture.

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